
Profound Aloneness

In my early ministry at First Baptist and career as a mental health professional, I promoted mixed orientation marriage and celibacy as the two options for a gay Christian. I didn’t realize at the time that my loyalty to conservative evangelical theological...
Concerning Gay Christians & Marriage

Concerning Gay Christians & Marriage

Recently, someone I care a lot about told me, “I’ll take you to task on that! Just go back to the beginning in Genesis Chapter 2.”. Their comment was in response to my statement: “There is a Christian theology of human sexuality that includes a...

Love & The Body of Christ

The church is “the Body of Christ”. I love Jesus, and I love His church. I have spent most of my adult life as a member of the Body of Christ, serving people who make up “the Body of Christ”, while also ministering to those who do not yet know Jesus. Based on some...

My First Public Disclosure

It’s really a very private and personal thing, but I wanted to take opportunity, for those of you who have known me over the past years, to invite you to my wedding this summer. If you would like to come, please reach out to me and I will send you an invitation. I...