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Don’t hestitate to contact me today if you are experiencing difficulty in your life or relationships because of sexual matters. Get sex help today!

As a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) with a professional certification in Sex Addiction therpay – along with my 25 years of experience in helping individuals, couples, and families with sex related concerns – I am available to help you improve your life situation.

Are you the spouse that has been betrayed?  Why not let me help you heal from the betrayal and discover whether or not you want to try and rebuild the relationship with your current life partner. 

Have you discovered your spouse or someone you love using pornography? Is this causing you distress? Consider letting me assess this concern with you and help you decide how to respond. 

Are you finding it difficult to build and maintain relational intimacy and sexual health with your spouse or partner? Why not read my page on sexual health and see if it describes the type of sexual relationship you are currently experiencing with your spouse or life partner. Let me help you improve the experience of intimacy and the quality of your relationship. 

Are you experiencing what might be considered out of control sexual behaviors? Let me help you with assesing and evaluating your situation to discover just how education and treatment might be helpful to you.

Are you experiencing relational, emotional and/or spiritual difficulty in your life related to LGBTIA concerns? Why not contact me and let’s discuss how I might be of help regarding these concerns?

Let me help! Contact me today!

Certified Sex Addiction Therapist with the International Association of Truma and Addiction Therapists!

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